What Constitutes The Best Massage
You may be very familiar with going for a massage, especially when visiting places in Southeast Asia, including Thailand and Vietnam. But have you ever wondered what is it like to have the best massage you can ever enjoy? What constitutes the best massage ever in this world? Well, it must be of top notch service quality. This not means the service quality displayed during the massage process. It must also include how well the counter service staff display their professionalism in terms of courtesy and responsiveness. For example, even in doubt, they must know how to respond well with professionalism and not give the wrong information. Another aspect of good counter service staff in the best massage spa is handling difficult customers. Yes, at times, customers may be very nasty, probably due to a wrong application of massage or if they are really in a very bad mood. But still, the counter service staff must be able to handle the customer with respect and maintain her or his calmn...